Custom Google Map

Create custom Google Maps with multiple markers and custom info boxes. You can also save your markers as a CSV file or bulk add markers by adding a CSV file. Apart from the map data everything happens within the browser, there are no calls to the server in order to parse or create the CSV file.

To use it start by dragging the red pointer to a suitable location, you can then choose to use the suggested address or override it with your own description, click Add and you'll see your marker appear. Next add more markers. Once you are happy with the map you can 'download' all the markers as a CSV.

You could then open the CSV in Excel, add more rows and return to the custom map web page and 'upload' your CSV to add all the custom markers back again.

This widget makes use of FileSaver.js for the CSV downloads. If you use Internet Explorer then the CSV upload/download only works in IE10+.

Download: custom-google-map.tar.gz (6.9KB)